Refund & Return Policy

Generally, for damaged, defective, or wrong products, you do not need to return the products to us. We will refund or reship free of charge according to the situation.

We only refund or reship for damaged, defective, or wrong products. To apply for a refund or replacement kindly contact us through our email with the relevant supporting materials and details within 7 days after the products are delivered, . For lost or severely delayed packages, we will refund or reship them on a case-by-case basis.

The following is the specification of the policy:

Damaged, defective, or wrong products

If the products you received are damaged or defective products and you decide that you want a refund, please provide us with supporting materials within 7 days after the products are delivered (send 5 to 15 seconds long video of the damaged or defective products, etc. The video should clearly show the product.

If, in very rare cases, the products you received are not the same as the products you have ordered, like the color (model, size, specification, etc) was wrong, please provide videos of the products and shipping labels within 7 days, we prefer the videos to be at least 5 seconds long but should not be longer than 15 seconds. As soon as they are confirmed wrong products, we will reship for free or refund as per your request.

Lost packages

Lost packages

When the product package is lost or severely delayed during the delivery process, according to the tracking information you inquired, if it shows that the update has stopped for more than 45 days, we will give you a full refund.

If the order tracking number you have obtained is invalid and any shipping status of the relevant product cannot be inquired about, please contact us in time to get the correct tracking information from the carrier. If finally the package is confirmed lost or seriously delayed, it will be handled as above

Please be aware of the following special circumstances:

● Returns or refunds for no tangible reason

we generally do not accept returns or refunds without reasonable reasons, which means we cannot give refunds solely because you are no longer interested in the product or you don’t like the product.

● Wrong address or unclaimed

If you provide us with the wrong address or contact information, the final product may be unclaimed or not delivered. In this case, we are not able to accept refund or reship request. We only ship exactly according to the address and recipient information provided in your orders.

Please remember that for damaged, defective, or wrong products, you do not need to return the products to us. We will refund or reship free of charge according to the situation.